Elaine Runkle(non-registered)
Hi Carole....Esmond introduced me to your site. Your photographs are mesmerizing...they brought to mind the emotions and experiences of being there for those places I have visited. Your composition is awesome and you certainly have a keen eye. Thank you for the opportunity to share your work.
Shelly Marks(non-registered)
I am a friend of Es's. He introduced your site to me. You have an absoute wonderfull eye. You capture such beauty & peace in your art. Many thanks.
Esmond de Beer(non-registered)
I love them, love them, love them, enough SAID
Deb Wythe(non-registered)
Hi Carole -- nice to see your pix in one place. Beautiful.
You were busy after the blizzard! I especially like the ones where there's some color in the oak trees against the monochrome landscape and also the one that's blus tinted with the man walking off at left.
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